Tammy Horvath

Tammy Horvath, Author of the ‘Journey Through Life” series of inspirational books.
This week’s featured guest needs no introduction, the gifted Tammy Horvath. Tammy wrote the ‘Journey Through Life” series of inspirational books. Thematically her series is filled with love, forgiveness, healing and travel. She writes with raw emotions, and refreshing candor. I feel like she’s confiding her wisdom in me as a friend. Most of all, she declares her faith, loyalty and belief in the Christian values. 

So, without further ado, here’s my interview with Tommy Horvath. 

1. Tell me about yourself.
I’m a person who forgives and loves people, even though one of those people murdered my only child. God calls us to love Him and to love others. As a Christian, those are words I live by. Mike, also a Christian, has been my husband for over twenty years, and I have three stepchildren who I love dearly. Our favorite pastime is traveling, and my favorite destinations are anywhere I can see the northern lights or dig my toes in the sand on a gorgeous beach.

2. Synopsis of your books in one sentence?
My 5-book Journeys Through Life memoir series is about traveling, forgiving and visiting my son’s killer in prison, and facing temptation when an indecent proposal from a handsome, younger doctor threatens to destroy my marriage.

3. Is this a series?
Yes. There are five books in the Journeys Through Life memoir series.

1: Gone in an Instant shares the story of losing Luke to a murderer’s bullet and how I forgave his killer.
2: In Life Begins With Travel, I face my fears and find my smile, especially while traveling.
3: In Deep Inside, I try to solve my son’s murder while facing my pain and finding my peace.
4: Exploring Mountains and Beaches shares island misadventures along with hikes through the intriguing Canadian Rockies.
5: One Text Away differs from the other books. In it, a younger, attractive doctor propositions me. How far did I go to feel loved?

4. What genre (s) do you write in?
Since all my stories are true, I only write inspirational memoirs.

5. What inspired you to write your books?
People have a hard time choosing to forgive. Most people don’t even realize that it is a choice, or that forgiving is more for yourself than for the other person. So when God told me to forgive my son’s cold-blooded murderer, and I did that, He told me to share my story to help others through their journey. In two other books, I share how I see God while traveling and want my readers to share my experiences. 

6. What message did you want your readers to take from your books?
We will have trouble in life, but finding joy and peace in all circumstances is possible. This world is beautiful, but sometimes we can only see that beauty when we get to know the Creator who made it and trust Him to work out all our problems for our good.

7. What’s the most challenging aspect of writing for you?
I don’t know when to stop working. Material flows so fast that my fingers can’t keep up, and before I know it, I miss a meal or two.

8. What’s the most rewarding aspect of writing?
The most rewarding aspect of writing is hearing from my readers that I’ve helped them with a problem or inspired them not to give up when they face difficulty.

9. Are you currently working on a book at the moment?
Currently, I’m taking a break from writing since books 4 and 5 were both recently published in the same month, and I’m unsure if or when I’ll go back to writing. I’ve just returned from an almost month-long solo trip to Australia. I have many exciting stories from my adventures and misadventures in Sydney, Cairns, Uluru (the Outback), and Melbourne. So, if I get back to writing, book 6 will probably be adventures about my experience holding a koala, riding a gondola over the rainforest, seeing the southern lights (aurora australis), which is a rare opportunity, or traveling on the Great Ocean Road.

10. If yes, how many hours do you write in a day?
Therein lies the problem. I don’t know when to quit. That’s why it is necessary to take a break or to quit altogether because when I write, I’m at it twelve to fourteen hours a day, seven days a week—only taking a break to attend church. My husband misses me, and I miss him. But I’m a perfectionist, and when I put my mind to doing something, I can’t stop until it’s finished.

11. If you are not writing, what are you doing?
When I’m not writing, I love to read or travel. I also like playing cornhole, pool, cycling, or playing board games.

12. What would you advise emerging Indie authors?
Set a schedule and stick to it. Don’t overdo it—there’s more to life than work. But also make sure you put in the time to create a great product.

13. What do you do for marketing?
I’ve never experimented with marketing since I wouldn’t know where to begin.

14. If you were a fruit or a vegetable, what would it be and why?
I’d be a potato because almost everyone loves them—and I always need to feel loved. Sometimes, I like to sit on the couch watching TV or lounge on the beach and do nothing (a couch potato). Other times, I’m the life of the party—talkative and full of energy—because I flavor my baked potatoes with green onions, salt, pepper, garlic, cheese, bacon, sour cream, and ranch dressing (a loaded baked potato): Regardless of whether I should have thought it through first, I say what comes to mind. My books in the Journeys Through Life memoir series are the same; they are candid, and I often embarrass myself because I don’t believe in sugar-coating. 

Thank you again, Tammy for letting me feature you. If you want to know more about Tammy and her body of work, feel free to click on the links below.

Check out my 5 Star review for Gone in an Instant: Losing My Son. Loving His Killer. (Journeys Through Life Book 1)  as posted in Amazon, GoodReads and BookBub.
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