Robyn Visco

  1. Tell me about yourself
    I am Robyn Visco, currently a first-year college student at the De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde. I am taking the degree program, Bachelor of Arts in Diplomacy and International Affairs. While I am set on a completely different career path, I have always loved writing. My love for writing stemmed from my love for reading, as it almost always does. It started with simple pieces like short poems on school pad paper, then it evolved to full-blown screenplays and stage plays in the making.
  2. Synopsis of your latest book in one sentence.
    A collection of poetry and prose about loss and loneliness written by someone who has lost in quality, but not in quantity.
  3. What’s driving you to write?
    The main thing that drives me to write are my experiences and emotions gained from these experiences. Although sometimes, spite alone can help me write a whole book.
  4. What message or lessons did you want your readers to take from your books?
    The significance of humanity and empathy. My most recently published book, “When You Left Me (On Repeat)” (WYLMOR), redefines our definition of loss and loneliness. It was my goal to help destigmatize grief, make it less taboo in some way. In the end, I just hope my books urge people to think more carefully about the people around them, after they reflect on themselves.
  5. Do you have more books?
    No, but I do plan to write more in the future, if time and money would permit.
  6. How many hours do you write in a day?
    When I was writing WYLMOR, my writing times would vary from day to day, week to week. My work ethic is different from other writers in the sense that I write when I feel like it, when the creative muscles work the best. The most hours I spent writing would most likely be around two to three hours.
  7. Are you currently working on a book at the moment?
    Yes! Though, it is still in its baby stages. I am also working on other kinds of literary works like screenplays and essays.
  8. If you are not writing, what are you doing when you are not writing?
    I am most likely playing video games or attending class. Other than that, I would also be hanging out with my friends.
  9. What would you advise emerging Indie authors?
    Just keep writing. No matter how bad you think it is *so far*. There’s a reason why editing and proofreading exists. Write it all down before it escapes your brain and then edit it all later. I promise, that’s the better workflow. Make sure you edit thoroughly, though.
  10. What are you reading right now?
    Currently, I am reading “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde. In fact, reading it and seeing some iconic quotes/lines from the book inspired a line in one of my poems in WYLMOR. The iconic quote was “An artist should create beautiful things, but should put nothing of his own life into them.” I wholeheartedly disagree with that quote, but it gave me a lot to think about, nonetheless.
  11. If you were a fruit or a vegetable, what would you want to be and why?
    I would want to be a mango, because you can never know if the mango you’re getting is sweet or sour, without tasting it first. I want to be as mysterious as a mango, but have people know me once they get a taste of who I am. 

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